Take That Hold!TNH Harvest Event
Team Fortress, on the workshop? How?!
I'll tell you how! Blood, blood and more blood! My first map on the workshop, and hopefully not the last! As its my first venture into Atlas, this is highly experimental. Expect bugs, performance issues, and general problems. We here at Storymods (its just me here) wish to do right by all of you!
You will spawn inside a random location on the map Harvest of Team Fortress Two. This is the Take And Hold Version of the map, so take some holds or whatever we do in this mode! This is not designed to play with any specific characters in mind, so play whoever you feel like and have fun! 4 supply points and 5 holds, its a short short to mid range map. Enjoy!
Please inform me of any bugs you find at the_story or find me on the H3VR Homebrew Modding discord! The more detail the better, especially screenshots and what settings you were running.
Danny For teaching me mapping and doing the lighting.
Nathan For the mapping foundations and and Atlas.
Nick, for the message.
And to you, for reading and playing!