
Supply Raid Safehouse character with long-form hardcore progression.

Designed for use with the Escape Modpack (strongly recommended).

  • Buy-menu categories for most major weapon types. Equipment like rigs, backpacks, medical supplies and more - each divided into several tiers where appropriate.
  • Loot categories include low-mid firearms, ammo boxes, grenades, medical supplies, attachments and more.
  • Raid progression goes for nine rounds (10+ is endless), with enemy variety and threat level steadily increasing, along with credit rewards.
  • Expect to go through a reasonably long hobo-phase when starting from scratch.
    • Starting gear ranges from "liability" to "enough to scrape by".
    • Automatic weapons are very pricey and rare to drop, while other equipment competes for your hard-earned credits.
  • Factions:
    • Meatcenaries - Slightly reworked version of Terry's standard enemy faction
    • Large Maps - An improved version of Meatcenaries, tuned for larger maps. Recommended for Fork, Aporkalypse City, Desert Conflict, Downtown, etc... This is the future standard for Terry.
    • Meatylads (WIP) - A harder variant of Large Maps with different sosigs and bosses.
    • Zombies (Alpha) - Tuned for medium to large maps. Very fun on Fork at night.

Recommended SR Settings & Buy Menu Preview


Unfortunately, because of Supply Raid's limitations:

  • Ammo prices are a bit wacky, as it's a fixed price upgrade across all weapons.
  • Some weapons will spawn with an absolute pile of magazines or clips.
  • Revolvers, muzzle-loaders, break-action or breech-loading rifles, pistol-caliber carbines, amongst a few other esoteric weapon types aren't included in the main buy categories - but some can be found in the random ("?") category along with some other goodies.
  • Supply Raid attachment menu may not display all appropriate attachments for a weapon, and may spawn attachments inappropriate to the weapon. This is a Supply Raid thing and out of our control.

Changelog & Upcoming

In the next updates:

  • Clean icons for the factions
  • More fine tuning and balancing
  • More loot and buy options
  • Custom sosigs hopefully. This is going to be a game-changer
  • Improved factions
    • Small/Medium Maps variant of the "Large Maps" faction


  • 2.0.1
    • Fixed bad syntax. Sorry lol
  • 2.0.0
    • Re-configured backpacks so they work
    • Added Melee Tier 3 - swords, maces, chainsaw and others
    • Added throwing weapons - shuriken, daggers
    • Added Ballistic shield
    • Shifted full-auto pistols from Pistol T3 to SMG T1
    • Increased SMG T1 price
    • Reduced Pistol T3 price
    • Moved AKM to Assault T2
    • Added loot categories for grenades and attachments - rail adapters, grips, stocks, flashlights and muzzle brakes are more common than lasers, red-dots and suppressors
    • Added some more weapons to Random
    • Removed some weapons from random. Some were shifted to SMG1.
    • Reduced price of random category from 75 to 50
    • Moved Union Fr*nch from SMG1 to Random
    • Increased wave rewards past wave 5, 10+ is doubled
    • Fixed Mk17 objectID
If you have any feedback, ping @morbo or @goodnightleo on H3VR Homebrew Discord.
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