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Blast through time periods whie fending off the Time Sosig menace! No tokens nor health to buy. Two health drops per hold. Made for limited ammo.

Fight Meatt Co. personnel with Meatt Co. weaponry! Health setting above 5000 is extremely advised for casual play!

Allow a fat and filthy rich British man whine in your ears while you shoot sentient hotdogs. Voice by Benjamin Rudman. https://www.youtube.com/user/TheGmodGtards

NOTE: Gun bug! Reload scene if small case is empty and there's no wrist map, melee, health weenie, and sosigs. Big fun firearms, overwhelming amount of sosigs. Recommended to play on large, open maps. If it ain't big 'n loud, it ain't a gun.

Made with Doomed and Not Alone from the two later ICARUS levels, slower paced music. Goes great with Gunlover's STRAFE Scrapper. https://h3vr.thunderstore.io/package/Gunlovers/STRAFESCRAPPER_ICONIC_UPDATE/