It's time to split!

Fight through weiners in time, ranging from zombies to robots to gangsters in Chicago! Very hard!



Changed stuff for late balancing and to closer match Timesplitters' arsenel, as follows: Changed the Spas-12 to a Modul Remington. Changed the AKM to a Modul AK-47 Replaced the compound pistol with the cyber handgun Replaced the Sustenance rifle with the Thompson Mk2. Seriously, why does the Sustenance have zero armor penetration? Added in the Quake Lightning gun to substitute for the Electro Tool.


Item drop revamp! Magazines drop for a few guns, most other guns that have a small magazine or are slow to reload are disposable.


Replaced the Cropolyte's grenade launcher drop with a buckshot China Lake.


Added in a scoped lever rifle for Hold 1 and a long range enemy for more open maps. Priests at the first supply point always drop pistols.


Added in enemies guaranteed to drop their gun! Lever action gangsters only drop lever rifles now. Scourge sosigs in the fifth hold no longer drop miniguns. Heavy scrap bots are now tankier... hopefully.


Made Fat Tony put his clothes back on. AK guards don't drop empty grenade launchers anymore. Gave the Undead Priest a brain, he couldn't hit the broadside of a barn.


Enemies that drop AKMs also drop caseless grenades, careful with chain reactions! Sustenance robots drop dark matter lemons. Guns have a 1 in 3 chance to spawn from enemies, Hold 1 wave 3's boss takes less explosive damage and more projectile damage. One more box for health. The shotgun in the item spawner now spawns with shells loaded and 6 more for your pockets.


Balanced enemy count, made ammo and guns drop more frequently, free gun buys should now drop magazines with the guns.


I ain't ever eating calamari again.

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