2Fort for Take and Hold. As seen in Team Fortress 2!Contains both 2Fort v2 and 2Fort v1
Loosely based on TF2's layout of ctf_2fort.
Version 1 is less accurate TF2 but runs slightly better and has only natural cover. Version 2 looks more like TF2's but depends on TnH cover barriers.
Both dev_ textured because I have absolutely no creative drive.
Please do contact me on Discord via any of the H3VR servers if you have any issues. I will, at the very least, write it down on a txt file in my desktop so I don't forget about it.
Changelog (Proper changelogs for Thunderstore WHEN)
2Fort v1 (Legacy)
- Added PMats (Legacy Version).
- Fixed sticky bombs not sticking to surfaces.
- Plugged multiple geometry errors
- Slightly optimized colliders
2Fort v2
- Fixes already applied to Legacy are WIP for v2 (Running into optimization issues, this will take a while)