A collection of clothing for everyone's favorite wacky sausagesBadger's Sosig Clothing Modpack
A collection of retextured and overhauled sosig wearables. For use in my upcoming character, Tactical Thomas, but anybody else is free to use them as well. Does not replace clothing, only adds. Only usable by those with character creator knowledge. Preview Images will be at the bottom of this page with ItemIDs.
A Word on Quality
Firstly, i am no artist. I am proud of the way these turned out, but they are not perfect. some camo patterns will appear to end prematurely, this is due to how the texture wraps around the mesh. I will continue to maintain this modpack, adding new clothing, improving the current clothing, and generally trying to improve the variety of sosig clothing across the board in H3VR. If you find any bugs, or even just wanna say hi, ping me in either the H3VR Discord, or the H3VR modding discord. @WickedBadger
Armor Differences To Vanilla
MG Heavy
- Helmet: Tier 2
- Torso: Tier 1 with tier 2 front & back vest
- Abdo: Tier 2
- Leg: Tier 1
Operator Light
- Helmet: Tier 2
- Torso: Tier 1 with tier 2 front & back vest
- Abdo: Tier 1
- Leg: Tier 1
Operator Medium
- Helmet: Tier 2
- Torso: Tier 2 with tier 3 front & back vest
- Abdo: Tier 2 with tier 3 front & back vest
- Leg: Tier 2
There is also an experimental variant of the Operator_Heavy armor, however it has only had damage values changed, no cosmetic changes, those changes are subject to change and are currently the following:
Operator Heavy
- Helmet: Tier 3
- Torso: Tier 4
- Abdo: Tier 3 with tier 4 front plating
- Leg: Tier 3 with tier 4 front plating
Images and ItemIDs
ItemID Families (Left to Right = Top to Bottom):
- Pink_Woodland
- Aqua_Digital
- Red_Urban
- Green_Digital
- Forest_Woodland
- Grey_Digital
- Desert_Digital
- Dark_Woodland
ItemID Families (Left to Right = Top to Bottom):
- Pink_Woodland
- Aqua_Digital
- Red_Urban
- Green_Digital
- Forest_Woodland
- Grey_Digital
- Desert_Digital
- Dark_Woodland
MG Chemwar (and black dual eye balaclava)
ItemID Families:
- MG_Chemwar_Black_Digital
- Balaclava_DualEye_Black
Operator Light & Medium
ItemID Families (Left to Right = Top to Bottom):
- Operator_Light_Typhon
- Operator_Medium_Typhon
Red and Blue Operator NVGs (Helmet In Image for Reference)
ItemIDs (Left to Right = Top to Bottom):
- Dual_NVGs_Blue
- Tri_NVGs_Blue
- Quad_NVGs_Blue
- Quad_NVGs_Red
- Tri_NVGs_Red
- Dual_NVGs_Red
Helmetless NVG Variants (Use With Balaclava for proper alignment)
ItemIDs (Left to Right = Top to Bottom):
- Dual_NVGs_Green_NoHelmet
- Tri_NVGs_Green_NoHelmet
- Quad_NVGs_Green_NoHelmet
- Dual_NVGs_Blue_NoHelmet
- Tri_NVGs_Blue_NoHelmet
- Quad_NVGs_Blue_NoHelmet
- Dual_NVGs_Red_NoHelmet
- Tri_NVGs_Red_NoHelmet
- Quad_NVGs_Red_NoHelmet