Modular TOZ-106, found in Shotgun > Magazine-Fed Shotgun- because we all love the toz.. right?ModulTOZ-106
ModulTOZ-106, found in Shotgun > Magazine-Fed Shotgun
Ever wanted more 20-gauge weapons? no? cope!
New mags, new stocks, 12-gauge variant because we all love the toz-106... (right?)
TOZ-106 20-Gauge Reciever
TOZ-106 12-Gauge Reciever
Folding TOZ Stock
Classic TOZ Stock
Mosin TOZ Stock
2-Rnd TOZ Mag (20g + 12g variants)
4-Rnd TOZ Mag (20g + 12g variants)
5-Rnd TOZ Mag (20g + 12g variants)
1.0.0: Initial Release
1.0.1: Updated Dependency String
1.0.2: Updated Dependency String AGAIN!!