Erect Steak

The name of this project is a joke that relates to the H3VR (a game about shooting hotdogs) character "Flaccid Steak".

The changes this character brings:

  • Start with a decoy mag (stealth) or a knife (lethal).
  • All static guns and grenades are now pools related to what they were before.
  • Stinger has been changed to a general rocket launcher pool with reduced cost (3 instead of 4, like the controllable launcher).
  • Reduced starting points (3 -> 2)

More Information

The idea of this character is to only tweak the values, to add more playability.

Starting equipment changes:

  • Spawn with a decoy mag or combat knife
    • DecoyMag is a custom item that is included within the mod, that can only spawn at the start of the round. It has enhanced thrown properties, making it ideal for distracting sosigs.
    • These starting items were to fix the sometimes annoying starting rounds, while also including some role-play elements
  • Inclusion of cityrobo's RangeFinder mod in the rangefinder pool.
    • This means that the vanilla rangefinder can instead spawn as the modded one. Preferably, I would want this modded rangefinder to always spawn, but I know some people would want the vanilla one, so Im leaving it up to chance to be fair.
  • The stinger sucks in most environments, giving other launchers a fair chance.

Small QOL improvements:

  • Extra panel spawn on first take phase
    • This will ensure options for either the mag upgrader/buyer, or the ammo panel
  • Removed recycler from first take phase
  • Changed the icon for the battle rifles section to the battle rifle icon and not the bolt-action rifle icon



  • For real this time


  • Removed decoy mag from mod, now depends on DecoyMag mod


  • Changed assault rifle pool generation parameters (should stop only 3 guns from spawning).
  • Changed ordinance (stinger) pool to exclude Meat Fortress weapons.
  • Changed bolt action icon to be the battle rifle icon, since it makes more sense.
  • Added 1 more panel to spawn in the first take phase (1 -> 2). This was done for


Fixed decoy mag spawning with guns that didn't have magazines (magazine type was set to M_None, seems like those guns use them).


  • Removed the recycler from the first take phase.
  • Changed the always spawning box to either spawn a decoy magazine or a combat knife.
    • The reason behind this change was the overall utility and performance of the box.
    • This also gives some more role-play elements, either lethal or a more stealth approach (you can still knock sosigs out with a magazine, so non-lethal as well).
  • Now depends on OtherLoader


  • Box now spawns with starting equipment.
  • Reduced starting points by 1 (3 -> 2).
  • Added compatibility with cityrobo's RangeFinder mod.


Changed suppressor token cost (4 -> 2).


Initial Release.

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