Adds some weird and useful grenades, located in the support>grenades section of the item spawner.Exotic Grenades
Adds some weird and useful grenades, located in the support>grenades section of the item spawner.
- CTS Model 7290
- A single pin flashbang
- Zarya
- Single pin russian flashbang with an odd shape
- VOG 17
- A simple explosive grenade
- VOG 25
- Similar to the 17, but with a larger effect of range
- FractalBang 16
- Flashbangs up to 16 times with ~1 second delay
- Does not spawn in Take and Hold
- RecursiveBang
- Flashbangs constantly at a fast rate forever
- Does not spawn in Take and Hold
- ReuseBang
- Reusable flashbang up to 16 times, check it's sub-nades as an indicator
- Useful for limited ammo runs
- Port-a-Fort
- Deployable barricade. Proof of concept.
- Lasts for 150 seconds after deployed.
Fuse smoke effect script provided by Cityrobo, smoke p systems done by me.
CTS Model 7290
VOG 17/25, Zarya
FractalBang 16
Fixed folder name.
- Now depends on H3VRUtilities and H3Plugs.
- Stratum based instead of Deli based.
- New grenade type: Deployable
- There is currently a WIP grenade here, the Port-a-Fort.
Changed grenade type tag, they should spawn in their respective categories now.
- Added
- VOG 17
- VOG 25
- Zarya
The VOG 17 and 25 have smoke effects when their fuse is lit. Script to make this possible provided by Cityrobo.
- Changed
- CST Model 7290 material changed, should be more visible in low light conditions
- Tweaked smoke particle systems, should show up and disappear more realistically with more volume
- Disabled Take and Hold pool population for the RecursiveBang and FractalBang to make this mod somewhat useful to have installed
- Fixed
- Recursivebang was not infinite
- Added:
- CTS Model 7290
- FractalBang 16
- RecursiveBang
- ReuseBang