The sample scenes for Atlas!Atlas Sample Scene 
This package is a collection of the samples scenes for Atlas, the sources for which are available as part of the Atlas MeatKit tools.
Example Sandbox
The sample sandbox scene is a demonstration of what you can do in Atlas. It contains:
- Prefabs: such as the player spawn / reset points, item spawner, sosig spawner, object spawner, and destructobin.
- PMat: PMat is the component used to define the projectile properties of your scene's geometry, as well as bullet impact effects.
- Interactions: Ladders, ziplines, and more forms of interactive objects.
- Unity Layers: Showcasing the properties of different layers and their uses, as well as an example of combining the layers to create composites.
- Reverb Environments: Apply different reverb effects to your scene for larger / smaller areas
- Capture The Flag: In the capture the flag minigame, you are able to grab and capture the flag from the opposing team's base! It's effectively more like a Team Deathmatch mode though since Sosigs will never actually capture the flag themselves.
- Popup Targets: In the popup targets minigame 5 targets will pop up for you to shoot. Once they're all hit, they will wait a random amount of time before 5 more popup again.
Example Take and Hold
The take and hold sample map is for demonstrating what bits are required and as a minimal template for making your own scene. The sample includes:
- 6 Hold points
- 6 Supply points
- One supply point will always be the spawn