You ever wanted to be just like John Wick? Well, you can't. No one is THAT good. BUT, you can totally LARP as John Wick with this TNH character: John Wurst!!!John Wurst
Awesome thumbnail was created by reddit user u/FroFoxx. Huge thanks to them for letting me use their artwork.
You ever wanted to be just like John Wick? Well, you can't. No one is THAT good. BUT, you can totally LARP as John Wick with this TNH character: John Wurst!!!
John Wurst's weapon pools ONLY include guns that John Wick has used in the movies. When you buy a gun from the supply room, it will come kitted out exactly like it was in the movie when John used it.
Additionally, custom sosigs have been created to mirror the kinds of enemies that John faces in the three movies. Early sosigs, for example, will be unarmored and have pistols only, and health has been decreased to be more realistic. But be ready for the final holds when the High Table enforcers kick in the door.
I HIGHLY recommend installing Better1911with this character! It removes the red dot from the Tactical 1911.
NOTE: This character was built with a 5 hold game in mind due to the limited weapon pool.
If you'd like to support my work, buy me a coffee! I'll use anything I earn on Ko-fi for purchasing more assets/models for future mods.
Please give me feedback and bug reports on any of the H3 discords (SirPotatos).
[2.4.0] - JW4 Update - 2023-07-16
- TC Contender in 45-70 Govt is now a starting weapon.
- Added the TTI Dracrys (Modul VR80) as possible semi-auto shotgun drop.
- Added TTI Pit Viper to pistol pool.
- Added Spike's Tactical Compressor to assault rifle pool.
- Added new enemies from JW4.
- All enemies have been revamped with new clothes, new plainclothes assasins have been added and the high table enforcers are more armored than before and there are two variants of them.
- M4 and M2 now use Meat's Modul Shotguns to be more movie-accurate.
[2.3.0] - 2022-09-23
- Re-made TT TR-1 rifle vault file. Now requires Andrew's foregrips.
- Added the Taran Tactical G34.
- Added Custom G19 to hicap pistol pool.
[2.2.5] - 2022-05-03
- Blacklisted the 3 new exotic 45 acp mod rounds.
[2.2.4] - 2022-04-23
- Blacklisted Drummer's 12ga Birdshot mod ammo.
[2.2.3] - 2022-04-08
- Blacklisted exotic 45 mod ammo.
[2.2.2] - 2022-01-29
- Replaced Meat Fortress balaclava with the one from Meatle Gear.
- Blacklisted exotic ammo types from the 9mm, 12ga, and Tarkov ammo mod packs.
[2.2.1] - 2021-11-29
- Hotfix due to change in the item ID of sosiggun glock suppressed. (used by one of the custom sosigs)
[2.2.0] - 2021-10-25
- Added Muzzle's P320.
- Tanto and Pencil will no longer spawn in crates.
- Made ModulAR a dependency.
- TT TR-1 now correctly spawns 40 round mags.
- Fixed MPX Copperhead vault file to include the weapon light.
[2.1.0] - 2021-06-17
- Added two new pistols, John Wick's original P30L with muzzle break and his Taran Tactical 2011. Be sure to update/download these mods for these awesome pistols to show up.
- Enemies now wear SUITS!! These well-dressed sosigs look much better than they did before.
- Updated the vaulted MPX's to be compatible with Meat's overhauled Modul series. Be sure to update to his newest version of both ModulSig and ModulAR!
- ACTUALLY removed spawning of extra red dots with vault guns this time. Rail hat will spawn instead.
[2.0.1] - 2021-04-19
- Hotfix for empty health weenie pool.
[2.0.0] - 2021-04-17
- Updated to work with TNHTweaker 1.6 and Deli 0.3.
- Enemies now have more realistic health. One-shot headshots will be more reliable, and torso health has also been decreased.
- Quantity of lower-tier enemies has been increased.
- TT MPX Carbine is now semi-auto only, to match the one used in JW3.
[1.1.0] - 2021-01-09
- Added Potato’s Glock 26, 19, and 34 to the weapon pools.
- First round guards are now melee only, but there are more of them.
- Removed magazines from vault guns.
- Removed spawning of extra red dots with vault guns.
[1.0.0] - 2020-12-19
- Initial Release