Sosig accessories for Rainbow Six Steve and Sci-Fi Sofia. The BomberNade can be used with any custom sosig to create a suicide bomber for your own custom characters.Rainbow Six Sosig Accessories
Assortment of clothing and accessories for the sosigs of Rainbow Six Steve.
The BomberNade in this mod can be used with any custom sosig to make a suicide bomber. If you're a character maker who would like exploding sosigs, simply give the custom sosig the bombernade.sirpotatos as one of their weapons and make this mod a dependency of the character. The grenade is invisible and cannot be used by the player. If the player gets within 3 meters of the sosig, it will attempt to use the grenade and detonate. If the sosig in question is given a melee weapon and no gun, it will most likely rush the player, if that's desired.
- BomberNade
- Custom sosig frag grenade that explodes immediately. Thanks to Arpy for the idea!
- White Pants/Abdomen
- Bomber Vest
- Medium armor with c4 and a blue light.
- Bomber Hood
- White hood that plays breathing audio on loop.
- White Mask
- The signature mask worn by the White Masks in R6 Siege.
- Gray Hood
- Green Hood
- Brown Hood
- MG Ninja Helmet (Lvl 1 armor)
- MG Ninja Torso/Legs/Feet (Lvl 2 armor, silver instead of gold)
If you'd like to support my work, buy me a coffee! I'll use anything I earn on Ko-fi for purchasing more assets/models for future mods.
Please give me feedback and bug reports on any of the H3 discords (SirPotatos).
[1.2.0] - 2022-01-29
- Weaker versions of the MG Ninja armor for use with Sci-Fi Sofia.
- Changed all item IDs' suffix from ".sirpotatos" to ".tt" (TatoTactical)
[1.1.0] - 2022-01-02
- Standalone Release on Thunderstore.
- Updated for On-Demand loading.
[1.0.0] - 2021-12-14
- Initial Release for Modmas Day 14.