Sci-Fi Sofia

Sci-Fi Sofia wields futuristic weapons! All sci-fi guns (vanilla and custom) appear in her weapon pools. The weapon pools also have many real guns that have been used in science fiction works. Enemy progression includes robot enemies that are much harder to kill, but also slower to move and react. Make sure to aim for the weak spot on the back of the head. Also, beware the turrets that guard the supply points!

Sofia now uses auto-generated pools! What does that mean? Well, I'm no longer going to manually add every new Sci-Fi gun that is released (because there are so many coming out all the time). Instead, Sofia will automatically pick up any new guns as long as they are tagged "Futuristic". This is up to the individual mod creators to properly tag their guns.

If you'd like to support my work, buy me a coffee! I'll use anything I earn on Ko-fi for purchasing more assets/models for future mods.

Exampled Video

Please give me feedback and bug reports on any of the H3 discords (SirPotatos).

You'll need to download more future weapons for the most enjoyable Sci-Fi experience!

I recommend checking out the following mods, but any futuristic mod gun should work with Sofia. (Try to download some from each category).

If you want to just hit one button and install the majority of Sci-Fi guns currently on TS, just download this modpack! Warning, it will probably take awhile, there's a lot of weapons in it.

Weapon Packs (adds a variety of gun types)




Lever Action


Assault Rifles

Battle Rifles







[2.3.0] - 2022-04-23


  • Data knife added to starting melee weapon pool.
  • Muzzle's Sunda Mk2 added to the assault rifle pools.
  • Added link to Sci-Fi Weapons Modpack.


  • By popular request, removed SMG and LMG turrets from first 5 holds and replaced them with flashbang and flamethrower turrets.

[2.2.0] - 2022-01-29


  • Future Soldier sosigs to replace SWAT sosigs. They wield the futuristic sosig gun contest winners that Anton added awhile back.
  • Smart Gun equipment pool for the D5 Sidewinder.
  • MeatBeat Scanner equipment pool for CityRobo's new motion sensor.
  • 2 new sci fi ModulAR vault guns. One in 5.56 and one in 7.62.


  • Sofia now auto generates weapon pools! This means any new sci fi gun that gets added to the game will be used by Sofia automatically (as long as the mod creator tags their gun properly).
  • Robot sosigs now look more . . . robotic!
  • Updated description and thumbnail to match the default wieners through time.


  • Fixed sci-fi Modul Shotgun and Modul AK vault files.

[2.1.1] - 2021-08-29


  • Removed gun mods as hard dependencies to allow the player to choose which mods they want to install for Sofia.

[2.1.0] - 2021-08-22


  • Added many new SciFi gun mods.
  • SciFi gun mods are now listed as dependencies on Thunderstore.

[2.0.0] - 2021-04-18


  • Progression revamped with new robot enemies and turrets! Robots are much harder to kill than standard sosigs.
  • Added tons of new sci-fi mod guns to the pools.


  • Sofia updated to work with TNHTweaker 1.6 and Deli 0.3.

[1.0.1] - 2020-12-24


  • Fixed bug where Sofia scores would upload to Operator Ori scoreboard.

[1.0.0] - 2020-12-23

  • Initial Release
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