Just click the Intall with Mod Manager and it should be done

Agian,THANKS TO NGA Without his support,this MOD can't be easy installed

(IMPORTANT) Download the following mods OR SOMETHING WILL MISSING


Ashes DesertTech MDR

Exotic Grenades





Tarkov Meds(No functional,just for decoration)





Tarkov HideOut starter pack

Few starter Safehouse packs based on Escape From Tarkov for the Safehouse Progression Mod in the map EFHideOut_Mother found in the Scene Saving/Loading Vault wrist menu.

Choose your faction in Vault Files:

  • USEC
  • BEAR

Saving as "Safehouse" for Safehouse Progression Mod:

You might ask:How do I change safe house?

  1. Bring up your wrist menu, then click Mod Settings, and then click Config Mods
  2. Find the SafehouseProgression mod in the list, click blue "Settings" button next to its name
  3. Change the GP_Hangar into EFHideOut_Mother(Remember to type capital letter correctly)
  4. Bring up your wrist menu again,then click LoadScene > My saved Scenes > find USEC/BEAR
  5. Load either USEC editons or BEAR editions Scene Config while inside EFHideOut_Mother.
  6. Open the "Safehouse" wrist menu button
  7. Press Leave-the-Safehouse button. Your previous Safehouse will be >> OVERRIDEN << with this new map.

And by the way.This map is take a few seconds to load after you click the Extract-to-Safehouse,you can see it as extraction time lol

Bonus equipment at start, including:

Depending on chosen faction (USEC / BEAR):

Standard edition:

  • Secure container Alpha (Pistol case)
  • PACA soft armor (3 pcs.)
  • 9x19mm FMJ (400 pcs.)
  • Zarya stun grenade (2 pcs.)
  • Can of food (4 pcs.)
  • AI-2 kit (3 pcs.)
  • Aseptic bandage (3 pcs.)
  • Analgin painkillers (3 pcs.)
  • Immobilizing splint (4 pcs.)
  • Esmarch tourniquet (2 pcs.)
  • Car first-aid kit (2 pcs.)
  • Vaseline
  • Expeditionary fuel tank
  • Peltor ComTac 2 headset
  • Army bandage Depending on chosen faction (USEC / BEAR):
  • Knife (ER Fulcrum Bayonet) or Knife (6h5 Bayonet)
  • Commando Chest Harness Black (3 pcs.) or Triton M43-A chest harness (3 pcs.)
  • backpack (3 pcs.)
  • USEC cap (3 pcs.) or BEAR baseball cap (Black) (3 pcs.)
  • HK MP5 (2 pcs.) or PP-19-01 "Vityaz-SN" 9x19 submachine gun (2 pcs.)
  • 30-round 9x19 MP5 magazine (8 pcs.) or 30-round 9x19 PP-19-01 magazine (6 pcs.)
  • M9A3 9x19 pistol (2 pcs.) or MP-443 "Grach" 9x19 pistol (2 pcs.)
  • 17-round 9x19 M9A3 magazine (9 pcs.) or 18-round 9x19 MP-443 magazine (9 pcs.)
  • Colt M4A1 5.56x45 assault rifle (2 pcs.) or AK-74M 5.45x39 assault rifle (2 pcs.)
  • 30-round 5.56x45 Colt AR-15 STANAG magazine (7 pcs.) or 30-round 5.45x39 6L23 magazine for AK-74 and compatibles (7 pcs.)
  • M67 Grenade (2 pcs.) or F-1 grenade (2 pcs.) 5.56x45mm FMJ (150 pcs.) or 5.45x39mm FMJ cartridges (140 pcs.)
  • Bottle of Tarkovskaya vodka(Molotov)

Left Behind Edition extra equipment and resources in stash:

  • Mossberg 590A1 12ga shotgun
  • 12/70 7mm Buckshot (50 pcs.)
  • More medicines

Prepare to Escape Edition extra equipment and resources in stash:

  • Mossberg 590A1 12ga shotgun
  • 12/70 7mm Buckshot (50 pcs.)
  • Remington Model 700 Sniper rifle or SV-98 bolt-action sniper rifle
  • 30mm ring-mount Remington integral for model 700 rifles or KMZ 1P69 Weaver mount
  • March Tactical 3-24x42 FFP optical scope or KMZ 1P69 3-10x rifle scope
  • M700 7.62x51 magazine for 10 rounds (4 pcs.) or 10-round 7.62x54R polymer SV-98 magazine (4 pcs.)
  • UNTAR helmet (2 pcs.) or 6B47 Ratnik-BSh helmet with cover
  • More F1 or M67 and Zarya
  • More medicines

Edge of Darkness Edition extra equipment and resources in stash:

  • Mossberg 590A1 12ga shotgun
  • 12/70 7mm Buckshot (50 pcs.)
  • Remington Model 700 Sniper rifle or SV-98 bolt-action sniper rifle
  • 30mm ring-mount Remington integral for model 700 rifles or KMZ 1P69 Weaver mount
  • March Tactical 3-24x42 FFP optical scope or KMZ 1P69 3-10x rifle scope
  • M700 7.62x51 magazine for 10 rounds (4 pcs.) or 10-round 7.62x54R polymer SV-98 magazine (4 pcs.)
  • Highcom Trooper TFO armor (Multicam) or 6B13 assault armor (Flora pattern)
  • UNTAR helmet (2 pcs.) or 6B47 Ratnik-BSh helmet with cover
  • DT MDR 5.56x45 assault rifle or RPK-16 5.45x39 light machine gun
  • Eotech 553 holographic sight or Valday 1P87 holographic sight
  • RGD-5 grenade (3 pcs.)
  • More medicines
  • Kiba Arms Tactical Tomahawk


Inspiration mod: SafehouseStarterPacks


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