Adds 20 client sided Minecraft scraps, percentage based retexture of magnifying glassRandomly replaces a certain percentage of Magnifying glass items with a random Minecraft block/item/mob, with different item names, sound effects, and boxcollider scales
Percentage to replace magnifying glass is 80%, percentage for item types is from a weighted random selection, both are changeable by config
Item types are saved to the save file if the save/load config is enabled, and are synced with other players if the synced percentages config is enabled
List of item types
Diamond Block Spider Zombie Villager Creeper Pumpkin Anvil Steve TNT Diamond Diamond Sword Diamond Pickaxe Apple Torch Chest Pig Sheep Cow Chicken Bee
cs in zip. discord@4902. assetbundle from https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/rainbow137/MinecraftScraps/