Adds a cooldown to strings that commonly spam the console so that they can't be logged again while they're on cooldown. The number of frames the cooldowns last for (and whether they're enabled) can be individually changed in the config

List of strings that can have cooldowns:

01-"Average velocity: {0}"
02-"Targetable A"
03-"Set destination to target player A"
03-"Set destination to target player B"
04-"Level up timer: {0}"
05-"FS 1"
05-"FS 2"
05-"FS 3"
05-"FS 4"
06-"Called teleport function on (player)"
07-"Desk: Waiting to grab the items on the desk; {0}"
07-"Desk: no objects on counter, waiting with door open; {0}"
08-"Shower is running with players inside!"
08-"spray decal #{0} found as child of {1}"
09-"agent speed: {0}"
10-"secondary use A"
10-"secondary use B"
10-"secondary use C"
10-"secondary use D"
10-"secondary use E"
10-"secondary use F"
10-"secondary use G"
11-"Player leave web called"
12-"Scan A"
12-"Scan B"
12-"Got shockable transform name :"
12-"Zap gun light off!!!"
12-"Target position: {0}"
12-"Gun not meeting conditions to zap; {0}; {1}; {2}"
12-"Stop shocking gun"
12-"Start scanning gun"
12-"Use patcher tool"
13-"Set local client speaking on walkie talkie: {0}"
13-"Walkie talkie A"
13-"Walkie talkie #{0} {1} B"
13-"is walkie being used: {0}"
13-"Walkie talkie #{0} {1} C"
13-"False A"
13-"False B"
13-"False C"
14-"HOLD horn local client called"
15-"dog '{0}': Heard noise! Distance: {1} meters"
15-"Mouth dog targetPos 1: {0}; distanceToNoise: {1}"
15-"Mouth dog targetPos 2: {0}"
15-"Dog lastheardnoisePosition: {0}"
15-"Setting lastHeardNoisePosition to {0}"
15-"Ending lunge"
16-"Current behaviour state: {0}"
17-": Setting target object and going towards it."
17-": i found an object but cannot reach it (or it has been taken by another bug):"
18-"Unable to get random nav mesh position in radius! Returning old pos"
19-"Set local player to sinking!"
19-"Quicksand is not sinking local player!"
19-"Quicksand is sinking local player!"
19-"Quicksand is sinking local player! B"
19-"Quicksand is sinking local player! C"
20-"Player is not targetable"
21-"Noise heard relative loudness: {0}"
21-"Can't hear noise reason A"
21-"Can't hear noise reason B"
22-"Fox spotted meter: {0}"
22-"Fox A"
22-"Fox B"
22-"Fox C; {0}; {1}"
22-"Fox D"
22-"Fox E"
22-"Fox F"
22-"Fox G"
22-"Fox H"
22-"Fox I"
22-"Fox J"
22-"Bush wolf: No game objects found with spore tag; cancelling"
22-"{0}: Mold spore {1} at {2} surrounded by {3}"
22-"Bush wolf: Most surrounding spores is {0}"
22-"Bush wolf: All spores found were lone spores; cancelling"
23-"weeds found at pos {0}: {1}"
23-"Index: {0}"
23-"Mold iteration {0}"
23-"Spore duplication count: {0}"
23-"Mold #{0} of it#{1} pos: {2} ; {3}"
23-"previousSpores[{0}]: pos {1}, marked {2}"
23-"{0}; {1}; too close?: {2}"
23-"Adding mold to previously destroyed mold"
23-"Spore #{0} of iteration #{1} marked for deletion; \n found spore position?: {2}; \n stemmed from destroyed spore?: {3}; \n too close to other?: {4}"
23-"Added spore"
23-"Growing back mold at index {0}"
24-"{0}; {1}"
24-"Set on interact early"
25-"Collect items in truck A"
25-"Collect items in truck B; {0}"
25-"Collect items in truck C; {0}"
25-"{0}; {1}; {2}"
25-"Magneted? : {0}"
25-"Play collision audio with type {0} A"
26-"Setting position of ropes"
27-"Following player, like meter: {0}; decreasing loneliness by {1} * Time.deltaTime"
28-"grabInvalidated: {0}"
29-"Got player in physics region: {0}"
31-"Spraying, depleting tank"
32-"Start using spray"
32-"Spray empty"
32-"Spray not empty"
32-"Stop using spray"
33-"Flashlight click. playerheldby null?: {0}"
33-"Flashlight being disabled or enabled: {0}"
34-"Is being used set to {0} by RPC"

cs in zip. for suggestions on strings that could be added there is a release thread in the LC modding discord (+ other threads for my other mods)

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