Menu, sounds and custom story logs from KenopsiaKenopsiaLite is a mod where it extracts only the changes in the menu, audios and story logs made by the "Kenopsia" modpack.
- FrostyCirno: creator of the modpack
- Freepik: The original Eye and Exclamation Mark icons.
- Crinkles: Original music for SCP: Secret Laboratory.
- Hhumanoid: Lethal Company B-sides and other various tracks.
- JacuJ: Helping with SoundAPI.
- ThunderShocker1: Fixing various problems, mainly helping with desyncs & log levels.
- Dopadream: Creating Rebalanced Moons, which is a basis for many Lethal Level Loader configurations
- Lunxara: Fixing various problems, being a great source of information, and giving me many configs.
- Alecksword: Creating Company Issued Fixes, which is the basis for configurations in Kenopsia.
- Leobob: Helping write the story logs.