Change the color of the cozy lights! Please read the website.What does it do?
Credit to @Nelots on discord for the idea! (nelot.s)
This includes 6 config options.
- R Config (Red)
- G Config (Green)
- B Config (Blue)
- Brightnes Config (Please don't go above 1000)
- Rainbow Config (Cycles colors)
- RainbowSpeed Config (The speed, default 0.05 but 1 is good aswell)
After changing the colors in the config. You dont need a restart. "But its not going back". Turn the lights on and off 2 - 3 times.
Helpful website for RGB values (This website is RGBA, no worries. Skip out the last number box): Box 1 = R Box 2 = G Box 3 = B Box 4 = Miss out, the mod auto does it
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