Adds new features and mechanics to the insanity mechanic of Lethal Company.Insanity Remastered has been discontinued. I both apologize to and thank those who enjoyed the mod. Here's the announcement
This mod is best experienced with smaller lobbies. (4-6) players.
A mod for Lethal Company that adds more features to the insanity mechanic and tweaks a few things related to it.
This is a client-sided mod as it would be odd if other players could see your hallucinations.
Installation: Drag InsanityRemastered.dll and the files with the prefix "soundresources" into the BepInEx plugins folder.
Losing Sanity:
- Changed the amount of insanity gained when alone inside the facility.
- During the Light Shutoff hallucination, you will lose a bit more sanity than normal.
- Panic attacks will cause the most sanity loss.
Gaining Sanity:
- Flashlights will reduce the sanity drain amount when turned on, making them really useful in this mod.
- Being around players will allow your sanity to regen when inside the facility. Better buddy up!
- Consuming pills will reset your insanity level entirely.
- Being near an active light source (EXCLUDING FLASHLIGHTS) will regen sanity.
Insanity Scaling:
- Sanity loss and gain will scale with how many players are in your lobby.
- To prevent lobbies of 10+ being completely miserable, there is a cap to how many players the scaling will take into account, with the default being 5. This can be changed in the configuration file.
- Solo players can change a multiplier that affects their sanity gain as well.
There are now three levels of insanity. High, Medium, and Low.
- As your insanity level progresses, you will experience more intense hallucinations.
- Hallucinations can also happen in success with each other when your insanity is high enough, leading to potentially chaotic results.
Insanity notifier:
While exploring the facility, your suit will occasionally let you know if your insanity level is increasing beyond what is deemed safe.
Auditory Hallucinations:
In addition to the current sounds that play when inside the facility, this mod adds several new sounds to throw you off.
There's also a chance certain vanilla sound effects will play to make the sounds more believable.
Light Shutoff:
While inside the facility, the lights have a chance to go out for you and you only.
They will power back on their own eventually, but you can step outside and re-enter the facility to force them on.
Fake player:
While exploring the facilities, you have a chance of running into a hallucination of a player.
This can manifest in them wandering around the facility aimlessly, staring at you, or even them chasing after you.
Be wary of them though. They can cause you to go insane really quickly.
Fake Items:
While inside the facility, you can stumble upon a piece of scrap that manifests around you.
Scanning it will reveal that its value is above what it should normally be. Picking it up will make you uneasy.
It will despawn if it is not picked up within a few seconds of spawning.
Panic Attacks:
At the highest level of insanity, you will slowly experience a panic attack.
During one, some hallucinations become lethal and you experience one of the following symptoms:
- Slowness.
- Cloudy Vision.
- Death.
Panic attacks can be helped by stepping outside the facility for a while, or being around players and lights.
A lot of things in this mod are tweakable.
Don't like the fake player? You can disable them in the config.
Keep in mind that some settings might be removed due to me feeling like they shouldn't be changed.
In my eyes, if you conform to everyone, you conform to no one.
This mod is far from being done. Didn't age well...
If you have any suggestions please leave them on them in the Discussions tab on the GitHub.
Bug reports/compatibility issues should be reported in the Issues tab.