Cera's Lethal Company Crowd Control Patches

A collection of small fixes for crowd control with certain mods I feel like patching for use with friends. Made overnight, my solutions are imperfect.

What does this currently fix?

  • Properly syncing time between host and client for time advancing and rollback (previously, rollbacks would not be reliably reflected on server clients, only on host.)
  • ReservedItem slots correctly interact with Give crowd control interactions, but only for the host

Why so little?

As it stands, all the client-interacting commands live in an enormous and wretched switch statement that I cannot interact with via Harmony patching. Maybe I could figure out transpiling, but the method in question is ALSO a patch method, and that just sounds like a mess. I had originally planned to also fix give interaction with LethalThings' PouchyBelt, but only being able to fix the interactions for the host felt too bad for me to want to continue.

What are your future plans?

If I get bored enough I might just rewrite the crowd control pack to be more extensible and patchable by the community. Frankly, I'm shocked by how slapdash the crowd control client is, and how agonizing to work with it is.

Will the existing patches be maintained?

I don't really expect them to break, but since this is something I expect my friends to use (at least for a while) I'll try to keep it alive for... as long as that is.

Can I reuse this trainwreck of code?

Of course! This repo is licensed under the UNLICENSE, which is to say, go for it! I'd appreciate it if you'd give me a little high five with your brain, though, if for some reason something in here was useful for you!

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