What originally was a silly little fork of PizzaTower and SCPEscapeMusic has now become a full plug-in for FacilityMeltdown and now LETHAL RESONANCE MELTDOWN! Just set the MusicVolume to 0 and MusicPlaysOutside to false in FacilityMeltdown's configenter image description here


You can you select what genres of music you'd like to listen too! Include/exclude whatever you want but make sure MASTER IS ALWAYS FIRSTenter image description here Genres include:


Now fully integrates LETHAL RESONANCE MELTDOWN to have a small chance (10% currently) to trigger its Meltdown Sequence on it's own without music overlayed. Add LRMeltdown to the end of the list. enter image description here LETHAL RESONANCE MELTDOWN Must Be Installed To Function. If you ever Uninstall this in favor of LRMeltdown you must change the script to Defaultfor LRMeltdown to function properly again


When you load into a save it will stutter for ~10 seconds, that is the sounds being loaded. This is unfortunately unavoidable due to the number of songs being loaded by default (and they fact they are .ogg (.wav loads fine but that would make the mod ~1GB) You can now decide what genres you would like to load! Should help with load time but Metal/Zombie is still alot of songs

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