Configure gift boxes / presents, such as having store items / scrap / another present / nothing, weighting of item selection, spawn rates, etc.LC_GiftBox_Config
Configure gift boxes / presents, such as having store items / scrap / another present / nothing, weighting of item selection, spawn rates, etc.
Config Options
Contained Item Type
- Store Item Chance (Selection Weight)
- Scrap Item Chance (Selection Weight)
- Gift Box Chance (Selection Weight)
- Empty Chance (Selection Weight)
- Unmodified Chance (Selection Weight)
Contained Scrap Item
- Scrap Value Minimum
- Scrap Value Maximum
- Scrap Value Influence (%)
- Spawn Weight Minimum
- Spawn Weight Maximum
- Spawn Weight Influence (%)
Contained Store Item
- Price Minimum
- Price Maximum
- Price Influence (%)
Contained Scrap Value
- Inherit Gift Box Value Chance (%)
- Addition Chance (%)
- Addition Minimum
- Addition Maximum
- Multiplier Chance (%)
- Multiplier Minimum
- Multiplier Maximum
Gift Box Spawn Weight
- Addition Chance (%)
- Addition Minimum
- Addition Maximum
- Multiplier Chance (%)
- Multiplier Minimum
- Multiplier Maximum
Gift Box Spawn Anomaly
(An anomaly that causes additional gift boxes to spawn into a level, separately from the standard scrap pool mechanics)
- Anomalous Spawning Chance (%)
- Minimum Gift Boxes
- Maximum Gift Boxes
Gift Box Behaviors
- Empty Gift Box Eggsplosion Chance (%)
Compatibility / Debugging
- Disable All Mod Mechanics
- Disable Gift Box Duplicate Sounds Bugfix
- Disable Gift Box Setting Tool Scrap Value Bugfix
- Mom_Llama (@mamallama on LC Modding Discord) for creating this LC Modding Template & Tutorial
- malco (@Malcolm-Q on GitHub) for creating this IL Transpiler Helper, which inspired the design for the ILStepper class I created for this mod + future mods
- RedCrowbar (@landonk89 on GitHub) for creating this Reflection Access Helper, from which I learned how to use reflections and implement it within the ILStepper class