An Unreal Interior modeled after the depths of the Rrajigar Mines.Based off the 3rd and 4th levels in the Original Unreal Campaign (Dig and Dug), Rrajigar mines are a sprawling network of Lava filled caves, metal corridors and Alien Machinery. Although the mines resources have been all but harvested, many creatures and valuable scrap remains.
Playing on moons with certain LLL Content tags affect the interior.
- 'Canyon' changes the Rock color to a reddish Mesa like stone.
- 'Tundra' changes the Rock to Ice and Lava to Brine Water.
- 'Rocky' changes the Rock to Amethyst.
- 'Ocean' changes the Rock to Limestone.
- Asteroid-14 changes the Rock color to a yellowish Brown and Lava to Honey.