Changes the max amount of items that the game saves from 45 to 999. Requires BepInEx.More Items
Simply allows to save games with more than 45 items. Up to 999 items will be saved.
No more items despawning when you save! It is particularly useful in addition with mods that support more than 4 players, or if you spend all credits of a good run in items to avoid the on-death penalty. Just try not to abuse, maybe your computer won't like it if there are too many!
In case you don't see some items in the closet at reboot, please try to move it with 'B', they usually glitch inside.
If no update is made after the game updates, it means it did not break.
- Download and install BepinEx (BepInEx-BepInExPack link in dependencies)
- If installing manually, follow BepinEx readme installation instructions (to locate your Lethal Company path got to Steam -> right click on the game in library -> "Manage" -> "Browse local files")
- Copy BepInEx/plugins/MoreItems.dll and paste in BepInEx/plugins
- This mod is required only for the Host.
- MoreItems now has priority over other mods changing the amount of items to save, by setting it just before a save happens.
- Changed (no change of code, no need to re-download)
- Initial release