Adds BonBon as scrap. BonBon can be used to stun enemies!BonBon joins the company!
This mod adds BonBon as a scrap found on planets.
BonBon can be used to stun all nearby enemies, even those that normally wouldn't be possible to stun!
Bonbon does not have infinite uses and has a cooldown, so be careful not to run out of charges!
BonBon plays different voice lines when used.
V 1.1.4:
- Reverted 1.1.3 change (to buggy).
V 1.1.3:
- Fixed a bug where stunning an already stunned enemy would cause them to recover from the stun before the second stun duration ran out
V 1.1.0:
- Added synced configs between client and server
V 1.0.0:
- Initial release.