Rewamps the ecosystem to feel more alive and immersive.Natural selection - food chains and ecosystems
Aimed to make the game's ecosystem feel more alive, immersive and semi-realistic.
The mod adds plenty of interactions between entities by modifying their behaviors, adding some and rewamping entities to make them feel more like an actual living organisms rather than just another dangerous liveforms trying to have a piece of you.
Many config options to choose from!
Currently supported entities:
Red bees (Circuit bees)
- They defend their hive from anything that gets too close. They're now deadly to every living being!
- Small chance to set giants on fire.
Hygrodere (Blob)
Damages creatures it has contact with it with an exception of Maneater. Non-organic and immortal entities are not affected.
Earth Leviathan (Sandworm)
- Targets creatures that come near it. Ignores small creatures.
Modified enemies:
Forest keeper:
- Stays on fire for a while after death
- Has a chance to extinguish itself
Currently worked on:
Bunker Spider
- Spider webs will slow down enemies and alert spider (WIP)
- Spider hunts creatures that trigger its web or get in its LOS. Hoarding bugs are it's favorite meal (WIP)
- Nutcracker
- Spore Lizard
- Hoarder bug
Pre-release branch: Experimental Enemy Interactions
Report bugs on either Github issues or the Lethal company modding discord.
- Zesa, TKronix, Swaggies: helping me figure out collision detection
- Hamunii: Helped fixing the variables
- EnzoTheProtogen: Reporting a bug
- TheShyestGuy: Bug reports
- Robyn and Xilophor: Pointing out flawed networking
- DiFFoZ: Finding the problem causing bees to turn invisible