1-20 of 86 results

Gives a dedicated Flashlight slot on the right side of your screen that can optionally be purchased! Can be toggled with [F] to activate the Flashlight at anytime.

Gives a dedicated Walkie slot on the right side of your screen that can optionally be purchased! You can press [X] to activate and speak into the Walkie at anytime.

Gives a dedicated Utility slot on the right side of your screen that can optionally be purchased! Optional separate item slot for the key.

Gives a dedicated SprayPaint slot on the right side of your screen that can optionally be purchased, and adds quality of life tweaks to them! Required ReservedItemSlotCore mod.

Modpack pour les mini events du serveur communautaire d'Enabulous : https://discord.gg/2QfheuV25N ou https://discord.gg/enabulous

Gives a dedicated Vitamin Detector slot (an item from the Juices Mod) on the right side of your screen !