Currently adds 11? (mostly) vanilla friendly moons! Icon by Teserex.Generic Moons is a mod that adds multiple new moons for every difficulty level and then potentially later some other fun stuff. At the moment it adds 11? moons in total. All credits are located at the bottom of the page.
An easy tier moon with a frozen lake surrounded by mountains. Good for the cruiser.
Tags: Tundra, Generic
An easy tier moon with hoarding bugs and outdoor scrap.
Tags: Wasteland, Generic
A mid to late tier forest marsh like moon. Fits around the three intermediate moons.
Tags: Valley, Fun, Generic
A large and open swamp. Similar to Adamance in balancing.
Tags: Valley, Generic
A red mesa moon. Good for the cruiser. Costs 250 credits.
Tags: Canyon, Generic
An oasis. Costs 250 credits.
Tags: Valley, Generic
A flooded moon that requires you to find levers to get to the main entrance. Costs 250 credits.
Tags: Ocean, Generic
A moon covered in acid. Costs 550 credits.
Tags: Company, Military, Pinkwater, Generic
A moon with a dry and desert like canyon. Costs 600 credits.
Tags: Canyon, Generic
An ocean moon with a military bunker. Costs 700 credits.
Tags: Rocky, Military, Generic
A hard moon made to fit right after titan. Costs 1850 credits.
Tags: Rocky, Generic
Future stuff or something:
Storyline and logs.
Please report to me any issues or ideas or just any help in general. I've never used unity before.
Discord: generic_gmd
SpookyFingas: Facility portion of Corrosion, Custom Company textures for crates.
Teserex: Mod icon, Logo for Hydro, Logo for Collateral, Poster artist, Sound design, Tester.
Wesley (white cube guy): Sitting with me in call for a week straight helping me with LLL and Unity, Got me some models, Tester.
Xu: Helped me port to LLL after 4 hours of pain.
Monty: Proofread all moon info boxes, Tester.
DogisGame: Concept art of Collateral, Tester.
JacobG5: JLL, Help, Tester.
NikkiDarkMatter: Info box for Collateral, Mini apparatus model, Tried to help me port for 10 hours, Tester.
PBGFan: Tester.
_Unrealltunes: Tester.
Biodiversity crew: Testers.
Smxrez: Successfully distracted me and Wesley for hours.
IamBatby: LLL, Helping me in general.
Polyhaven: Textures and models.
LunarLight: Catwalk models.
Let me know if I missed you and please enjoy the mod!