Adds various Abyss enemies from Genshin Impact as player modelsAbyssEnemySuits v0.1.0
Adds various Abyss enemies from Genshin Impact as player models
- Iniquitous Baptist
- Hydro and Cryo Heralds
- Pyro and Electro Lectors
- Hydro, Cryo, Electro, and Pyro Abyss mages
All models are property of Hoyoverse
I am planning on eventually adding all characters as player models, but if you have a specific character you would like to be added sooner, please feel free to contact me on the Lethal Company Modding Discord at KinkyDeathMagic
A big, big thank you to GoblinKingShmee for writing the code that enabled the camera and item placement changes! Thank you very much!
- Place contents in
folder. Ensure that ModelReplacementAPI is also installed.
- v0.1.0
- Release