
Adds a new 6 moons to the game. In addition there is a large variety of items that can be found along all the moons in the game. There is also a special item for each moon that only spawns there.

In addition there is also a new interior called the nuclear Bunker.

Clients require this mod for it to function.



  • Released


-Added new moon named "Lerzain" -Added 2 new scrap items; -Crowbar -Magnet


-Added 3 new scrap items; -Preserved Parrot -Sippy Cup -Glass -Increased indoor spawns on Lerzain


-Changed Scrap values -Telescope 32-76 -> 46-100 -Urainium Pack 160-320 -> 120-240 -Electric Stick 84-139 -> 60-100 -Preserved Parrot 100-280 -> 40-160 -Light Bulb 16-36 -> 16-24 -Crow Bar 68-160 -> 68-108 -Renamed Perserved Parrot to Preserved Parrot -Reduced Vollen scrape amount -Removed Painting and Telescope from Vollen -Reduced Vollen Map Size Multiplier from 2 -> 1.5 -Added Fancy Lamp to Vollen and Lerzain -Changed Route Prices of Lerzain and Vollen -Vollen 0 -> 300 -Lerzain 0 -> 1100


-Added Bronze Coin and Super Flashlight -Updated Vollen map -Reduced map size 1.5 -> 1.3 -Reduced Glass Weight 52 -> 42 -Reduced Lerzain map size 3.5 -> 3 -Longer Day is NO longer recommended -Custom item fixes confirmed from version 2.1.1


-Added 4 new items: Bandage, Fancy Book, Globe, and Medical Kit -Fixed Large Light Bulbs


-Fixed Bandages and Medical Kits not working


-Fixed Bandages and Medical Kits again -Reverted accident high spawns of bandages on experimentation -Changed the position of light bulb, fancy book, glass, and magnet -Changed the Weight of the following -Uranium Pack 73 -> 94 -Magnet 21 -> 15 -Bronze Coin 21 -> 15 -Slightly increased the size of the bronze coin -Decreased the size of the Fancy Book -Increased Bandage Spawn Rates


-Medical Kits And Bandages Have been temporally REMOVED due to scripts unable to be in asset bundles.


-Medical Kits and Bandages Have Been Readded -Super Flash Lights have a better light -Light Bulbs now have Battery and a light -Increased The size of the bronze Coin -Adjusted Crow Bar Odds


-Added new Moon "Joymiu" -temporally free for testing -changed Vollen Map size from 1.3x -> 1.2x -reduced indoor enemy spawns on Vollen


-Added Snowman Plush Item -Reduced Joymiu Enemy Spawns -Reduced Joymiu Scrap Spawns 18 - 28 -> 15 -> 27 -Fixed Joymiu Suck Masked at Entrance


-Added New moon "Kingdom" WARNING: This moon takes up 2 days -Reduced Joymiu scrap Spawns 15 - 27 -> 12 - 23 -Increased Masked Spawn Chance on Joymiu -Increased Indoor Monster Spawns on Joymiu -Decreased Indoor and Outdoor Power On Vollen 24/50 -> 20/30


-Increased Kingdom Indoor and Outdoor Power 60/20 -> 70/30 -Increased Kingdom Enemy Spawns


-Decreased the strength of the fog in Kingdom and Joymiu -Increased Lerzain map size 3 -> 3.2 -Adjusted Vollen Interior Chances: -Factory 33% -> 72% -Manor 33% -> 14% -Mineshaft 33% -> 14% -Adjusted Festive Snowman Plush: -Added Explosion particles -Removed the ability to keep uses after death -Made the items no longer Conflict Between Each other *Uses do not work on more than 4 players(players 1,2,3 and 4) -Fixed Joymiu Crash Bug -Increased Joymiu Scrap Spawns 12 - 23 -> 17 - 23


-Reduced Festive Snowman Plush Lag -Reduced Vollen Scrap Spawns down to 17 - 25 -Reduced Joymiu Scrap Spawns 12 - 23 -> 11 - 16


-Fixed Festive Snowman Plush completely


-Added Hourglass Item


-Added CullFacory by Fumiko to dependencies due to lag issues -Added a new interior -Changed the route price of some moons -Joymiu 0 -> 100 -Kingdom 0 -> 1000 -Added Mini Reactor Core item -Adjusted Vollen interior Chances again -Fixed Changelog format


-Adjusted Nuclear Bunker Chance on many moons -Lowered on rend, Dine, Adamance, Experimentation, Assurance, March. -Increased on Offense and Embrion -Gave Festive snowman Proper Chances -Fixed bugged camera on death -Adjusted Nuclear Bunker -Adjusted the odds of the following items: -Uranium Pack -Electric Stick -Globe -Light Bulb -Slowed Lerzain indoor and outdoor enemy spawns -Reduced Kingdom max powers 70/30 -> 30/20 -Slowed Joymiu indoor and outdoor enemy spawns -Changed many materials to have normal maps


-Reduced Nuclear Bunker Size -Reduced Sealed Doors on Nuclear Bunker -Reduced Joymiu route price 100 -> 60 -Increased Vollen route price 300 -> 400 -Adjusted scrap amounts and max power on custom moons -Reduced Fog strength on Kingdom and Joymiu -Added a unique item for every moon(except Vollen) - Get them all!


-Reduced Fog strength on Kingdom and Joymiu (I really did this time) -Increase Joymiu route price 60 -> 100 -Revamped Vollen's map for faster trips -Adjusted enemy spawns and curves, scrap amounts and scrap chances on the moons -Replaced Rainy with flooded on Vollen -Removed Maneater and hoarding bug from Vollen


-Reduced Rusted wrench size -Increased fog strength on Kingdom and Joymiu -Prevented Festive Snowman Plush from being used in the ship -Bandage and Medical kit now make you no longer Critically injured on use -Increased custom item chances -Added snowmen to Joymiu


-Reduced Fog strength on Joymiu and Kingdom


-Reduced Fog strength on Joymiu and Kingdom again -Removed Joymiu's crash bug -Changed the sun of Vollen


-Added 2 new moons: Phendor and Instrucize -Phendor is temporally Free -Moon specific items for them will come soon


-Made monsters on Instrucize able to traverse different layers -Renamed Instrucize to Istrucize -Able to type Istrucize with only the first 3 letters -Fixed problems with inability for multiplayer and incompatibility with other mods -Reduced Size of Nuclear Bunker -Fixed Mini Reactor being 0 money -Adjusted Nuclear Bunker Tiles and chances


-Readded Nuclear Bunker to Istrucize -Added Fancy Lamp, Painting, Bronze coin and Rubber Duck to Istrucize -Increased Istrucize Scrap 9 - 13 -> 11 - 15 -Converted Joymiu, Vollen, and Lerzain Terrains to meshs -Reduced Lerzain price 1100 -> 950 -Decreased Nuclear Bunker Size -Changed Room chances of Nuclear Buncker -Added two new tiles to Nuclear Bunker -Added moon specific items to Istrucize, Phendor and Vollen


-Added New tile to Nuclear Bunker -Fixed Meshes tag - sound they make when walked on -Reduced Mini Nuclear Reactors 4 -> 2 -Fixed Items spawning Walls on Nuclear Bunker


-Added Collision to Joymiu, Lerzain and Vollen Ground -Decreased the speed of spawning for Istrucize outdoor enemies -Removed the Brightness from Phendor -Added the clock visual back to Phendor


-(maybe) fixed fire exit being "blocked" -Adjusted Tile odds


-Fixed enemies unable to navigate from and into hallways on Nuclear Bunker -Fixed enemies spawning in walls on Nuclear Bunker -Increased odds of most moon specific items


-Fixed Enemies, map hazards and scrap able to spawn outside the map -Fixed Fire exit not working on nuclear Bunker -Changed Dungeon flow to better fit archetypes -Reduced length of nuclear bunker -Overall decreased custom scrap values


-Added new moon: Excando -Changed prices of moons: -Kingdom 1000 -> 1300 -Lerzain 950 -> 700 -Phendor 0 -> 300 -Vollen 400 -> 250 -Reduced the amount of days kingdom uses 2 -> 1 -Reduced kingdom loot 75 - 90 -> 54 - 59 -Added moon Info to all custom moons -Reduced Joymiu's average turret count


-Reduced outdoor size of Kingdom, Joymiu, Excando and Vollen -Fixed the spelling mistake in Excando's info


-Updated Kingdom map


-chanced kingdom indoor enemy spawns -decreased indoor map size on Kingdom -Prevented bee hives from spawning on the roofs of the houses on kingdom -Fixed Old birds repeatedly flying up in the air non stop on custom maps


-Updated Kingdom map again -Adjusted Kingdom spawn chances and curve -Increased Kingdom outdoor power 20 -> 30 -Adjusted Kingdom loot spawn chances -Higher chance for high value single handed items -Changed Festive Snowman plush -Doubled stamina and speed buff -Shotgun shells should spawn for one player every 60 seconds if they reach 15 or more uses


-Updated Kingdom Map -Slow enemy spawns on Kingdom -Fixed custom moons getting stuck at "Random Seed" -Lowered Map Hazards on Kingdom

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