Reserve Ya BoomboxCURRENT ISSUES
1.0.8 I havent updated this in a while, its workin but the Boombox isnt placed right, BUT ITS WORKIN!
1.0.7 Updater for
1.0.6 Updated for the new Core
1.0.5 No Longer Depends on PersonalBoomboxes, but this time i removed it from the manifest
1.0.4 No Longer Depends on PersonalBoomboxes, now it is its own mod "LucksReservedPersonalBoomboxes"
1.0.3 I Skipped 1.0.2, uses new stuff from Flip, Syncs with all players and keeps playing in inventory!
1.0.1 Changed the Priority Value, Thanks Flip! o7
1.0.0 Release