Lunar Rework

A rework of Lethal Company's Moon system.

This mod aims to make visiting different planets during gameplay more rewarding by adding a new scrap spawning mechanic as well as other misc changes.

Scrap Gain

(Accessed by typing 'gain' in the Terminal)

  • After leaving a moon, every single moon except the last one you've been to will gain scrap.
  • Depending on the moon, the amount of scrap in each moon will increase from 1 to 3 per day not visiting said moon.
  • This effect stacks until you reach a hard cap, which varies depending on the moon.
  • This effect is fully customizable, and as of 0.1.0 it works with Modded (LLL) moons! (For modded moons, the default cap is 10 with a gain of +1)


(Accessed by typing 'rebirth' in the Terminal)

  • For an initial 8000 credits, you may purchase a Rebirth by typing 'rebirth' into the Terminal.
  • Once purchased, your Profit Quota will loop back to 130 next quota fulfill.
  • The Scrap Gain and cap of each moon will also be doubled.
  • The cost of Rebirth will increase by 5000 credits after each purchase.

Major Changes

  • After visiting a moon, the ship will automatically reroute to the Company. This means you must pay again in order to re-visit high-tier moons. (This can be disabled in the configuration file after launching the game and going into a save file once)
  • Moon prices have been slightly altered.

Misc changes

  • Selling early will now return the full value of the items in credits. However, the amount of quota fulfilled will increase the same way.


This mod depends on StaticNetcodeLib by xilophor, TerminalAPI by NotAtomicBomb, Interactive_Terminal_API by WhiteSpike, and LethalLevelLoader by IAmBatby.

As of 0.0.3, many of this mods' values can be configured. (Many values can only be configured before starting a new save file. To create a configuration file, open any save file, then close the game to edit the values)

This mod will likely break with:

  • Mods that tamper with scrap amounts in base moons.

This mod is currently in Beta. Numbers are subject to change and bugs remain to be found.

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