Adds a femboy scavenger as an option on the suit rack. This model replacement is a branch of the joi female scavenger as requested. His body is slender with jiggle physica like her's but with no breastsjoi Femboy Scavenger v1.3.5
Adds a femboy scavenger model to the suit rack to play as!
There are 8 colors to choose from! The 7 additional colors are in the store for 60 company credits.

- Place contents in
folder. Ensure that ModelReplacementAPI is also installed. - To make all suits available from the start please adjust the "more suits" mod config.
- Allow other modders to make texture for him (I have to look into this)
- Make a Bee Suit, Bunny Suit, Pajama suit, and Hazard suit
- Make anthro models for him. Like giving him dog ears and tail for example.
- Create a github page
- My contact is joibasta on all platforms. I do prefer Discord so please go there first.