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When you are the host, any items(can add filtering) you/clients purchase in the terminal will be generated directly in the ship. 当你作为主机,任何你/客机在终端购买的物品(可过滤)都会直接生成在船内

Change/Scale the size of the player or furniture according to the values in config (works on server-side)根据config中的数值改变玩家或者家具的大小(仅服务端有效)

When you pick up scrap (customizable) in the company, automatically puts it on the store table, can press the F11 (config adjustable) key to turn it on / off当你在公司捡起废料(可自定义白名单过滤)时自动将其放到商店的台子上,可以摁F11(config中可调)键来开关

(1) Drop won't explode, throw will explode.(2) Modified the global Easter egg explosion probability. (3) Predict whether the easter eggs in your hand will be fried (1)G键丢下必不炸,左键丢出必炸。(2)修改全局彩蛋爆炸概率。(3)预测手中彩蛋是否会炸

This mod cancels the CD time for knife attacks, and now the attack speed of knives only depends on your click speed!这个模组取消了刀攻击的CD时间,现在刀的攻击速度只取决于你的点击速度!