When you pick up scrap (customizable) in the company, automatically puts it on the store table, can press the F11 (config adjustable) key to turn it on / off当你在公司捡起废料(可自定义白名单过滤)时自动将其放到商店的台子上,可以摁F11(config中可调)键来开关Grab To Sell
Features (功能)
When you pick up scrap in the company (customizable whitelist filtering) it automatically puts it on the store table, you can press the F11 (config adjustable) key to turn it on / off
item name list for reference (参照物品名称表)
, airhorn
, bell
, big bolt
, bottles
, brush
, candy
, cash register
, chemical jug
, clown horn
, comedy
, cookie mold pan
, dust pan
, easter egg
, egg beater
, fancy lamp
, flask
, gift
, gold bar
, golden cup
, hairdryer
, homemade flashbang
, jar of pickles
, large axle
, laser pointer
, magic 7 ball
, magnifying glass
, metal sheet
, mug
, old phone
, painting
, perfume bottle
, pill bottle
, plastic fish
, red soda
, remote
, ring
, rubber ducky
, steering wheel
, stop sign
, tea kettle
, teeth
, toothpaste
, toy cube
, toy robot
, tragedy
, v-type engine
, whoopie cushion
, yield sign