Adds SCP 3199, the Humans, Refuted to Lethal Company as a new enemy [V56 Compatible]Item #:SCP-3199
Object Class:Keter
Object Description
Special Containment Procedures: All live instances of SCP-3199 are to be contained on Site-114 within a modified Keter humanoid containment chamber (hereby referred to as primary containment), the walls of which should be coated in approximately two centimeters thick acid-resistant steel. CCTV equipment is installed in the north-eastern and south-western corners. Two meters of empty space are to be allocated between primary and secondary containment.
Secondary containment consists of suspending all live instances of SCP-3199 within a block of solid transparent substance (currently clear acrylic resin).
This block is to be at a height of at least three meters. One armed security guard is to be stationed outside primary containment at all times. An eight-digit passcode can be obtained from the current Site-114 director in order to bypass primary containment.
Description: SCP-3199 denotes a species of sapient Category-5 biological entities of currently indeterminable origin, though tissue samples indicate the presence of Silkie chicken1, chimpanzee2, stoat3, mussel4, adder5, and human DNA. They are typically hairless, stained with a thin layer of an albumen-like excretion, and stand at an average of 2.9 meters. Its weight averages 780 kg for a matured instance, and 360 kg for a hatchling. Autopsy has determined that the cervical vertebrae of a mature SCP-3199 instance are composed of cartilage, rather than bone. This enables the neck and throat to twist and dislocate to around 340° in either direction, aiding their unusual reproductive cycle.
In game Description
Spawn location:
Movement speed :
A little slower than the players running speed
Door opening speed :
10 sec
Upon death it will enter egg phase
Roaming :
it will search for a player and will enter the chasing phase if it finds one, if not, it has a chance of laying an egg.
Laying egg :
Will spit out a new SCP3199 instance out of it's mouth and go back to roaming When it spits out eggs it spawns another 3199 that will be in the egg phase.
Will go after the player and try to peck them
- Will add a long range attack for the monster
JoeJoe : Project owner, designer and executive
Xilef992 : Programmer and executive
3199 Model : ThatJamGuy
Animations:ThatJamGuy and Xilef992