Immersion focused mod. Features include: New scrap, new tools, permanent ladder extension, radar booster overhaul, and lockable doors.Immersive Company
An immersion focused mod.
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Before you report a bug view the compatibility notes at the bottom of this page.
Latest version:
- Small bug fix for weight issue after update.
- Fully configurable.
- 4 new scrap items.
- 3 new tools.
- Ladder stays extended permanently.
- Doors can be locked with keys.
- Radar booster overhaul.
- More range when viewed from the ship's radar screen.
- Can be teleported back to the ship.
Personal Radar:
- Price: 400
- Detects scrap in the vicinity of the scanner but has a short battery life.
Glow Stick:
- Price: 10
- Lights the way.
- Price: 125
- A high powered light source.