Replaces some default audio and adds alternatives, Spooky and Funny. All sounds created by Rein Quest.Lethal_Audio
Rein Quest is creating new sounds for Lethal Company. This Pack will grow over time and the list below will be updated as new sounds are added. Skip the lower section if you wish to be surprised.
Some are are intended to add more to the scary/spooky nature of the current game and others are to introduce some comic relief. The goal is to mix comedy with fear for a balanced and fun experience. All sounds included in this pack are created by Rein Quest or are from the native game files. This package will not include any outside files that are not public use or native game audio and is intended to be streamer safe with appropriate tags.
Files currently in package:
-Clown Horn -All Players Dead -Eyeless Dog (Breathing) -AlertHUD -ShipThrusterAmbiance -ShotgunBlastFail