A collection of music from the 80s, 90s and 2000s to boost up those cruiser travels.Cruiser's Radio Classics
This mod is a collection of more than 60 tracks from the 80s, 90s and 2000s. Let these classics boost up those cruiser travels.
Cheer up your arrival to the facilities, do epic escapes with style, or rampage against trees and enemies with fashion!
Each song's size is around 1MB. They've been COMPRESSED "as much as possible" without completely obliterate their quality.
(I came up with it while working on this, maybe I'll do something with it later...)
As you open the glove compartment of your "brand-new" Company Cruiser™, you find a mixtape and a note left by an unknown employee, unsigned and without a writting date.
The note itself doesn't seem to be old...
Inside a random facility across the galaxy, I've found this lil' piece of history... It's an old mixtape! These used to be made hundreds of years ago! The only thing that kept it safe from being severely damaged was a small, mossy cardboard box filled with polystyrene chips. Can you believe that? Instead of selling it as scrap to The Company, I kept it hidden here, in the Cruiser's globe box. Once my crew and I landed far enough of Gordion, I decided to insert it into the Cruiser's radio... What a surprise we had when we heard it working! Thinking about it, it's weird that a product of Halden Electronics is even compatible with this. I'm not going to look deeply into it tho. This is one of those small gifts that life gives! I'm leaving this here as my own testament. Maybe new crews will be able to enjoy this too! Take care of it, it will be your companion on tough times, and you know what they say... "You've got work to do".
You can find me in the Lethal Company Modding's Discord Server as "RetrOxide". The link to join was provided above.
- Feel free to send any feedback and request to the mod's thread in the mod-releases forum.