Literally just the PizzaTowerEscapeMusic mod but with changed music for my friends and IPizza Tower Escape Music - Riven Pack
Plays various music when the ship is called to leave early and when the Apparatus is pulled. This is the EXACT same mod as the OG Pizza Tower Escape Music mod, I just copied it and replaced the music and edited some of the configs for my friends and I.
Formatted as OGG file name, then the song that it actually is.
- ByeByeThere
- Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Tactical Action
- ItsPizzaTime
- Halo 3 - One Final Effort
- ThousandMarch
- Sonic Colors - Terminal Velocity Act 1
- YourFatAssSlowsYouDown
- Persona 5 - Life will Change
- TheDeathThatIDeservioli
- Helldivers 2 Extraction Theme