
This mod Adds a Scavenger plushie inspired by this video

I also made a mod with monsters from the game as plushie scrap items


This mod is compatible with Lethal Company Version v47.


  • V1.0.9 Fixed a typo in the config file
  • V1.0.8 Added a config file, you can now change the spawn weight of the plushie and what moons it spawns on. If you want to change the plushies value you can use advanced company
  • V1.0.7 Lowered value and spawn chance of the plushie
  • V1.0.6 Changed names to be more consistent
  • V1.0.5 Made the plush fall slightly in front of the player in a way like every other item in the game
  • V1.0.4 Updated the description to mention the monster plushies mod
  • V1.0.3 Made the plush grabable before the game starts
  • V1.0.2 Lowered the spawn rate of the plush and lowered the value
  • V1.0.1 Increased the spawn rate of the plush and slightly changed the position of the plush when holding it
  • V1.0.0 first version, just adds the scrap item

To do

  • Wanna try adding a config at some point
  • Thunderstore development is made possible with ads. Please consider making an exception to your adblock.
    Thunderstore development is made possible with ads. Please consider making an exception to your adblock.
    Thunderstore development is made possible with ads. Please consider making an exception to your adblock.