Company Owned Personal Phones. A more interactive alternative to walkie talkies.Lethal Phones
As part of a new initiative, The Company has provided personal* phones to all employees. Upon clocking in to your next shift, you will find that pressing 'y' will produce your 'very own'* mobile phone. You can use the state-of-the-art Rotation Dialing system to call your fellow employees for easier communication on the job.
*The provided Mobile Phones are property of The Company. Employee owns no stake in the phone they are provided.
NEW UPDATE - The Switchboard
- NEW ship upgrade, The Switchboard!
- Call your coworkers from the safety of the ship using The Company's patented new "Non-Rotary" dialing method!
- Wear a headset!
- Tired of a call? Transfer it to someone else!
- Give your braincells a vacation from remembering multiple sets of 4 digits! The Switchboard has its own contacts list.
- Not on the ship? Your braincells can take a break too as the switchboard always has the same number, which can be set in the config!
Phone example video below:
- Mobile Phones for all players!
- Take out your phone with 'y' by default, all controls are customizable in the menu.
- Hold 'z' and click and move your mouse to dial the phone. Drag a number to the stopper to dial it just like a Real Mobile Rotary Phone.
- Customize your phone with skins, charms, and ringtones!
- Phones do not take up an inventory slot, and do not require battery! In exchange, they are 'immersive' to use and may not be reliable under pressure.
- Phone calls will transmit all noises around the player you are talking to! Hear the explosion a split second before the call cuts!
- Switch your phone to vibrate if you don't want monsters to hear how popular you are! Or switch it to silent to ignore all your friends.
- Dynamic call quality! Have fun saying lines like "Can you repeat that?" and "What???" while deep in The Facility during a storm!
- Dynamic call quality Improvement! Use Radar Boosters from the Company Store to enhance your phone's reception!
- Receive calls from local fauna (?!?)
- Many config options to customize your experience
New skins, charms, and ringtones can be added as separate plugins, which can be used locally or uploaded to thunderstore.
Customization Guide
PREVIOUS UPDATE - Phone Customization
- NEW options for personalizing your phone! Pick a skin/charm/ringtone on the main menu!
- New configuration to turn phones into a ship upgrade that needs to be purchased!
- A single sheet of loose leaf paper on a clipboard, where you can see everyone's phone numbers if you squint!
- Compatability with WeatherRegistry and LethalElements, to support worse phone quality in more weather!
- Compatability with Mirage, to allow Masked to use phones and copy the customizations of the player they're mimicking.
- Make your own customizations! There is a tutorial here!
- The Killer: Ideas Guy
- Myliaa: All Models and Textures
- Soap: Rubber duck and testing help
- Absolute Lambda: Boombox5 and Delivery ringtone remix
- Rune580: creator of LethalCompany InputUtils
- Evaisa: creator of LethalLib
- Scoops (me): code