Juices Mod

Thunderstore version Thunderstore downloads

Have you always wanted to sell juice to the company ? Strange, but anyway - now it's possible !


This mod contains scraps and furnitures.


Here are all the types of juice available :

  • Sapik : Orange juice
  • Cédhou : Apple juice
  • Saifrai : Pineapple juice
  • Saydlassoup : Tomato juice
  • Daibousher : Prune juice
  • Traize & Paie : Banana juice
  • Plindfruy : Multifruit juice (special juice that can't spawn, see juice blender mechanic)

All juices are available in these formats :

  • Carton : price between 20 and 40 - multiplier : 1.2
  • Premium bottle : price between 30 and 60 - multiplier : 1.5
  • Six pack : price between 80 and 140 - multiplier : 1.3
  • Can : price between 10 and 30 - multiplier : 1.1 (special format you can drink, see juices effects)

Vitamin detector

You can buy a vitamin detector in the store for 74. It works like a juice radar: the closer you are to a juice, the greener its color.

Vitamin detector

You can add the ReservedVitaminDetectorSlot mod to have a reserved slot for it.

Juice blender

The juice blender is a furniture you can buy in the store to earn more money by combining juices. Up to 4 juices can be combined to create a Plindfruy multi-fruit juice.

Juice blender screenshot

The price of a multi-fruit juice is the sum of the juices that have been combined, multiplied by a value defined by the format of the juices used (specified above). If different juice formats are used in the same mix, the smallest multiplier is used.

If the juice blender is not completely filled (4 juices), the multiplier is reduced.

Juices effects

If you find a juice in can format, you can drink it to get a special effect. The juice's effect can be positive or negative and is chosen at random from the following list :

  • Positive effects :
    • Healing : Restore all health
    • Marathoner : Almost unlimited stamina for 10 minutes
    • Night vision : Better vision for 5 minutes (only inside factories)
    • Electromagnetic pulse : Disable all turrets for 2 minutes
  • Negative effects :
    • Damages : Loses half health
    • Asthmatic : No stamina for 10 minutes
    • Upside down : Reverse vision for 5 minutes
    • Signal jamming : All turrets go crazy for 2 minutes


You can buy neons furniture to decorate your ship with your favorite juices brands. What's special about them is that they're on the outside of the ship !

Here are all the neons available :

  • Sapik Neon : cost 24 Sapik neon screenshot
  • Cédhou Neon : cost 24 Cédhou neon screenshot
  • Saifrai Neon : cost 24 Saifrai neon screenshot

Other mods features

Optional features if you have these mods.

More Company

Some cosmetics has been added.

More Company cosmetics screenshot

Why ?

Actually, it's just a stupid french private joke with friends, there's nothing to understand except puns on juices names... That's why it was essential to create this mod !


This mod is in no way related to the Mynthos streamer. It contains absolutely no reference to its content or to jokes about "Mynthos juice". Any resemblance to its contents is purely coincidental.

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