Masked drop their mask on death, masked who are mimicking a player will drop the mask AND the player's corpse <3TakeThatMaskOff is a mod that causes the masked enemy to drop their mask on death Masked who were mimicking a player will drop their mask as well The value of the dropped masks can be changed through the config
Updated to 1.1.0, Mask Value can now be changed through the config
Updated to 1.2.0 Upon killing a masked, the mask is animated to fall from head height to the ground and the mask is removed from the dead masked's model
Updated to 1.3.0 The default value of dropped masked is now 52(configurable), masked who are mimicking a friend will drop their body when killed
Updated to 2.0.0 Rewrote like a good bit of the mod Now the spawned masks directly inherit the whole HauntedMaskItem class This should make them behave exactly in line with vanilla masks (the config for value remains :D) This also fixes the end of round collected scrap issue
Updated to 2.1.0 I'm so incredibly silly I had a check that made bodies only drop if the playing being mimicking DID have a body Now that I made it only work if they DON'T have a body it should fix compact with MaskedEnemyOverhaul since
- The masked needs to be mimicking someone (all masked have that with MEO)
- The player being mimicked needs to be dead
- The player being mimicking cannot have a body This should fix the issue of existing masked becoming invisible when who they are mimicking dies This could causes bodies to be returned from natural masks that are mimicking a player that died from a giant or worm but eh whatever
Updated to 2.1.5 Added a bool config to disable masked dropping bodies, this def makes the mod work with MaskedEnemyOverhaul and makes the mod more stable, I genuinely don't believe this feature could ever be completely stable looking into the base game code
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