Creates playlists for objects that get sounds from multiple mods of mine.COMPANY-MANDATED MESSAGE:
Employees, we are excited to share the newest addition to our musical items.
After having to hear all your very annoying complaints about "that one banger" and "the best one", we have received your message loud and clear about there only being one song, and will install additional songs for these items to use. This unlocks the ability to play entire playlists on items such as the beloved Record Player and the even more beloved Disco Ball and also the old phone.
However, we will only expand the musical capabilities of whatever items we feel compatible with, so don't expect us to do all the work for you!
That is all for this message. We hope you stay a great asset to the Company.
The Mod
Have multiple music mods of mine that don't play nice with each other? This mod will allow those music items to play all songs from all my mods simultaneously, by collecting them all into a playlist!
This mod, in combination with other mods of mine such as LCMySimsSoundPackMod, adds functionality for the Disco Ball, Record Player, and more to loop through a list of songs provided by STSharedAudioLib. No longer will 'only' one mod write to a musical item, but instead, these items will loop through a custom playlist to represent every mod that adds music to it.
If you would like a demonstration of what this mod does, turn on [Examples] in this mod's Config options, or download LCStudiopolisDiscoMod (
- This mod is my personal usage for STSharedAudioLib, which I created with the sole purpose of putting multiple songs on the Disco Ball and Record Player and looping through them like a playlist. The library does the listing, this mod does the playing.
- So, this mod only creates playlists for the specific items I want to patch, depending on what my other mods try to write to. I'm not planning for this mod to patch any and all items in the game, but I am planning and working on a CustomPlaylistsMod that should do what this mod does while allowing for more freedom and possibilities in what items to patch.
- But! If you do want to add music to the items that I patch with this mod, and know how to code a bit, that is theoretically possible:
- Create a plugin and reference STSharedAudioLib's dll file. You can read how to do this on STSharedAudioLib's Thunderstore's Wiki page, at the beginning of Basic Pipeline (
- Then, use the method below (you can replace "Disco Ball" with "Record player" or the name of another item to add more music to that).
This will add your music to the same playlist this mod reads AudioClips from, so it should theoretically play your custom music as well!
[HarmonyPrefix, HarmonyPatch(typeof(StartOfRound), "Start")]
public static void Prefix(StartOfRound __instance)
foreach (UnlockableItem item in __instance.unlockablesList.unlockables)
if (item.unlockableName == "Disco Ball")
SharedAudioMethods.AudioClipAddNew(yourCustomMusic, SharedAudioMethods.AudioListGetByName("LCSimonTendoPlaylistsMod", item.prefabObject));
- This time I've only got you to thank for checking out or even downloading this mod!