Wah, Hoo, and Yippee your way across moons with this Super Mario-inspired Triple Jump!COMPANY-MANDATED MESSAGE:
Good-a day, employees.
We recently hired a particularly funny-looking worker, who seemed to prize himself on his agility. Of course, we did not believe him, but after he showed us that he can reach immense heights by simply jumping thrice in succession, we had no choice but to hire him. i mean cmon imagine all the scrap he can gath- er... ahem
So now, we are expecting all of you to follow in this good man's good example, and perform his whimsical "Triple Jump". so that all of YOU get more scrap too finally grrrrr- Or, ehm, yes, quite.
That is all for this message. We hope you stay a great, great asset to the Company.
The Mod
Wanna wah? Maybe even hoo? And, dare I say, yippee? Well, dream no longer, as this mod adds the world-famous Triple Jump to Lethal Company!
Take a running start and jump, then immediately jump again right after landing, and then jump a third time to gain massive ups and go twice as high as the default jump height! The mod comes with a few small customizable options too to make consecutive jumps higher or easier, so get out there and wah and hoo and yippee to your heart's content!
You have to make the sounds yourself though.
Another silly idea I made in, like, two hours. I saw there was a jumpForce variable and immediately looked if another mod already did this. The only other examples I could find did this more like the Smash Bros-way of jumping mid-air, but not yet like this. So this is my own little contribution to the vast scene of options available.
- Other mods with the same idea:
- And thank you for checking out or even downloading this mod!