A snowy, (mostly) vanilla-esque moon.22_Natit
Adds a snowy (mostly) vanilla-like moon to Lethal Company. (Discord link)
22 Natit (Cost: 710, Risk: S+)
CONDITIONS: Abandoned hydro-electric plant in the mountains.
FAUNA: Dangerous entities reside in these hills.
- Water asset
- Voxx for TerraMesh tool.
- The developers of this mod's dependencies as it literally could not exist without them.
- Audio Knight on YouTube for a handy starting tutorial.
- Nomnomab's project patcher to access vanilla LC through Unity.
- Those that helped provide information on the modding Discord, mainly through the LethalLevelLoader Discord and Dev-moons channel.
- Debugging tools like Imperium and UnityExplorer.
- Thunderstore for hosting this mod as I wouldn't know how to distribute without it.