Rats Mod

Gathering Food Rat Chase Rat King Snap Traps


  • Rat Nest: A rat nest can spawn on any map as a map hazard which will spawn rats every x - x seconds.
  • Rat Types: Each rat will either defend the nest or scout the dungeon. If a player gets too close to the nest, they will damage the player.
  • Colony Threat System: Each time a rat sees a player or enemy, they will add 1 to a threat counter. When that reaches a threshold (100 for players and 50 for enemies by default) they will start swarming the threat.
  • Rat Food: If a rat finds a player corpse it will attempt to drag the corpse back to the nest. They will rip food off of enemies depending on the enemies HP. By default, player corpses give 30 food and enemies give 10 * enemyHP food. For every 10 food brought back to the nest, it will spawn a rat.
  • Rat Control: You can control the rat population with traps and poison.

Items and scrap

  • Box Of Snap Traps: Buyable equipment. Allows you to place snap traps to kill rats. Killing rats this way does not increase the threat counter.
  • Glue Traps: Buyable equipment. Allows you to place Glue Boards to slow and kill rats. Each stuck rat increases the scrap value of the glue board and it can be picked up and sold for profit. Killing rats this way does not increase the threat counter.
  • Rat Poison: Buyable equipment. You can pour this into a rat nest to prevent them from spawning. Be careful as this can have consequences...
  • Rat Crown: ???

Item Showcase

Planned features

  • An actual rat king (if you dont know what I mean, search up rat king on google if you arent squeamish)
  • Diseased rats that can make the player get sick, lowering stamina and making them cough, etc.
  • Outside rats: Chance for rat nests to spawn outside as vain shrouds. Keeping these under control will require weed killer or traps.
  • More rat types?
  • More configs for performance.


For issues or suggestions visit the github.

For collaboration or queries


  • Discord: Snowy
  • GitHub: snowlance7
  • Ko-fi: snowlance (Any money will go towards better animations and models for my mods)



Rat Poison and Glue Traps just put the rats to sleep and Snap Traps just teleports the rats to New York and replaces them with a plushie :)

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