Bunker Spiders will play the iconic Jerma 'Giant Enemy Spider' song while chasing a player. A fixed version of Skellinghoff's mod.GiantEnemySpider FIXED
Bunker Spiders will play the iconic Jerma 'Giant Enemy Spider' song while chasing a player.
This is a fixed/functional version of Skellinghoff's mod.
The mod is entirely CLIENT-SIDE.
Differences from the original
- Skellinghoff's mod had a fatal issue: Only the host could hear the song! This mod fixes that so everyone can hear the song properly. I'm willing to bet that most players never noticed this problem...
- The loop now sounds much better.
- I've added some additional logic to prevent the intro to the song from repeatedly playing.
The original mod was once Open Source, but its repository seems to have been removed. I recreated the mod entirely from scratch myself.