Play fitting ladder-climbing music while people climb ladders. Randomly picks between "Snake Eater" and "Can we get much higher?". Very configurable, idea convincing welcome.LethalLadderMusic
A mod for Lethal Company that plays fitting ladder climbing music while you and your friends climb ladders.
Currently, Snake Eater and Can we get much higher? (AKA Dark Fantasy) (notably from that One Piece meme) are implemented, and one is randomly picked every time you land on a moon.
The mod is entirely CLIENT-SIDE. Enemies will NOT be able to hear the music.
If using this mod with friends, make sure you all have the same songs enabled so that you all hear the same music.
Shoutouts to my friend Displeased Grunt for the mod idea with Snake Eater, and my friend Sir Salsa for the idea to add Can we get much higher? (therefore allowing other music to play).
If you think there's a good idea for a song to be added, you can try convince me to add it in this mod's release thread located in the Lethal Company Modding Discord Server.
Main Settings
These affect only your perspective of the mod.
- Volume: The volume percentage that the music will play at.
- Default: 50
- Range: 0 to 100
- Applies to other players: If set to true, then all players will play music when they are climbing a ladder. If set to false, only you will play music.
- Default: true
Snake Eater
- Can be randomly chosen: If set to true, then "Snake Eater" has a chance to play while climbing a ladder. (Randomly picked every time you land on a moon)
- Default: true
Can we get much higher? (Dark Fantasy)
- Can be randomly chosen: If set to true, then "Snake Eater" has a chance to play while climbing a ladder. (Randomly picked every time you land on a moon)
- Default: true
- Going down pitch: The pitch of the music while going down a ladder.
- Default: 0.8
- Range: 0.0 to 1.0